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ISSISA – Innovative Steel Structures Integrated by Sensing and Automation for self-inspection and maintenance

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Call of the research program of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel 2015 RFCS-2015
Items where the proposal may have an impact

Research Fund for Coal and Steel
Call: RFCS-2015
Topic: RFCS-02-2015
Type of action: RFCS-RPJ
Proposal number: SEP-210299425
Proposal acronym: ISSISA


Inspection and maintenance of steel and composite structures is an important issue for sustainability of existing and new infrastructures. Classical approach relies on large human activities eventually performed in unsafe conditions.

Overcome the problem through the embedding of sensing and automation for self-inspection and maintenance can be pursued at the present state-of-art of automation technology.

The design and development of paradigmatic integrated systems is the main objective of the project in order to demonstrate the feasibility of producing novel steel structures with an equipment of low-cost automatic systems to monitor deterioration and damage evolution and to actuate self-maintenance actions.


Overview of the time line for the different stages

Proposal Submission Deadline Monday, 15 September 2015 at

17:00:00 (Brussels local time)

Evaluation October to December 2015
Notification of the evaluation results to

all applicants

Before 15 March 2016
Grant Agreement signature for projects

retained for funding

Before 15 June 2016
Payment of first pre-financing June to July 2016
Target start date of projects 1st July 2016

Awarded to researchers at the University of L’Aquila the “Best Application Paper Award” of the European Control Conference 2015

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The European Control Conference (ECC) is organized every year under the auspices of the European Control Association (EUCA) and with the technical sponsorship of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). The conference aims to combine academic and industrial expertise in automation in order to promote scientific cooperation and trade within the EU and between Europe and other parts of the world. Each year the Organizing Committee of the European Control Conference awards as the “Best Application Paper” the scientific article that best applies advanced control techniques to a relevant industrial application. Based on the assessments of the review process only a limited number of papers is nominated for the award, and a committee chooses the most outstanding one.

The “Best Application Paper Award” of the 14th European Control Conference (, held in Linz, Austria, was assigned to the article entitled “Further results on fault detection and isolation of malicious nodes in Multi-hop Control Networks”, authored by Alessandro D’Innocenzo, Francesco Smarra and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto of the Center of Excellence DEWS, Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of L’Aquila.

The study described in the paper is closely related to the activities carried out within the INCIPICT project.

Cerimonia di Premiazione della European Control Conference 2015

INCIPICT website is online

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Welcome to the website of INCIPICT project. The project’s full title reads as follows ‘Innovating City Planning through Information & Communications Technologies’.

This project comes from the conviction that the rebirth of the city of L’Aquila can not ignore the construction of an innovative communication network that allows every subject to access information in an easy and efficient way. INCIPICT intend to build a solid substrate and provide proper interfaces for applications.

Stay tuned with this website to known all the latest news about INCIPICT project.