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Workshop on “Systematic Monitoring in Smart Cities”

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On May 19th, at 10:30 am at the teaching center of Engineering (Monteluco di Roio) in room B+1.5 will hold a workshop entitled “Systematic Monitoring for Smart Cities”. The workshop is organised as part of the research and dissemination activities of the INCIPICT project. In the scheduled seminars, the latest results will be presented and discussed for the applications of new technologies in the field of structural monitoring. Speakers include Prof. Kenigi Soga, University of California (Berkeley) and Cambridge, Prof. Dora Foti, Polytechnic of Bari and Prof. Vincenzo Gattulli, University of L’Aquila. The detailed program of the workshop can be found in the attachment poster.

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Power System Control Services by Demand Side Management of Smart Buildings

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INCIPICT: Innovating City Planning through Information & Communications Technologies


Monday, April 11, 2016 – 12:00

Meeting room, 2nd floor, Alan Turing Building

Prof. Federico Silvestro

IEES Lab – DITEN, Università degli studi di Genova

Power System Control Services by Demand Side Management of Smart Buildings

Abstract: Flexibility in management of electric distribution networks is more and more important due to large penetration of renewable energy sources. In this context, new actors, such as electrical loads and distributed energy sources, are involved into the control of the electrical system. Large buildings are particularly suited to this task because they store a consistent amount of thermal energy. A demand side strategy can therefore exploit this energy reserve to provide specific control services to the grid. This talk will present the potentialities of the demand side management of smart buildings considering the integration with energy efficiency programs and/or with energy storage systems and small-scale distributed energy sources.

Short Bio: Federico Silvestro received the electrical engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree in electric power systems from the University of Genoa in 1998 and 2002, respectively. He is currently Associate Professor at DITEN, University of Genoa. The research developed concerning several issues includes: development and implementation of models of electricity market, management and control of HV power system and electrical distribution systems in the presence of distributed generation, real-time control and management of electrical loads. The results of the scientific work were presented in more than 120 publications in journals and national and international conferences. Federico Silvestro has been a reviewer for journals and international conferences such as Electric Power Systems Research, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, PSCC, EEM, Powertech concerning electrical systems for energy. He was the secretary of the CIGRE Working Group C1.04 – Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques (International Council on Large Electric Systems) for the theme “Application and Developments of dynamic models required to support practical planning” in 2006-2007. Prof. Silvestro is actually a member of the CIGRE Working Group 06.” Since 2001 he lectured at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genoa.

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APESS 2016 – 2016 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology

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A three-week programme of coursework, lectures, laboratory experience and non-academic activities where civil engineering graduate students will learn about smart structures technology and its applications.